Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church

Sermons by Elder Will Martin:

Trust in the Unseen Hand of God: October 4, 2009 (Exodus 2:1-10)

Hear Ye Him: October 11, 2009 (Matt. 17:1-9)

Salvations & Justifications in Scripture: October 18, 2009 (Romans 5:14-16)

The 'God Forbids' in Scripture: October 25, 2009 (Romans 6:1-4)

The Lord Uses the Weak: November 1, 2009 (Judges 6:13-15)

Worshipping Better Things: November 8, 2009 (Hebrews 11:35)

All Nations & Kindreds (Noah's Descendants): November 15, 2009 (Genesis 10:1 and Rev. 7:9)

Thankfulness: November 22, 2009 (Psalm 100)

Covenants- Conditional & Unconditional: December 6, 2009 (Deut. 29:1 & Genesis 9:11)

Let Us Labor Together & Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace: December 13, 2009 (Hebrews 4:14-16)
